
16.04.2023 - KREATIVmarkt im Freizeitheim Linden

 The KREATIVmarkt in the Linden leisure center is looking forward to your visit. In addition to all kinds of beautiful treasures such as jewelry, ceramics, soaps, bags... you will of course also find us live and in color as well as our products. Look forward to our shirts and hoodies.In addition, some workshops are also held..e.g. Pottery, yoga, Zumba, of course there are also delicious dishes and hot and cold drinks.Come by, we look forward to welcoming you to our stand.Where: Freizeitheim Linden, Windheimstr. 4, 30451 HanoverThe market was initially planned for early April.NOW THE DATE IS FIXED!We look forward to seeing you on April 16th, 2023! + Read more

Weihnachtsmarkt auf der Lister Meile am 10.12. und 11.12.2022

Do you still need a Christmas present?From 21.11. until 22.12.2022 there will be Christmas hustle and bustle again on the Lister Meile. The Christmas market has offers for young and old. We can also be there with our T-shirts, hoodies and hats; on 10.12. and 11.12.2022 we will be in the arts and crafts booth (in front of Fielmann) and look forward to your visit. + Read more

50 years Lister Mile - we celebrate on September 24th and 25th, 2022

On September 24th and 25th, 2022 we will celebrate "50 years Lister Mile". On Sunday, the shops are open from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and there will be great promotions for children and many other surprises on both days. And best of all: we will also be there with our stand.As the Lister Miles Festival is unfortunately not taking place this year, we are all the more looking forward to the hustle and bustle on the mile and your visit withbus. + Read more

Designmarkt in den EilersWerken 08. - 10. Juli 2022

Designmarkt in den Eilerswerken 08. bis 10. Juli 2022DesignWerke - Designmarkt x Mikroabenteuer Festival - Van Life Glamping EditionWe are very happy to be part of the DesignMarkt in the EilersWerke. You should not miss this fine event. Yes, the DesignMarkt costs admission, but you will be offered a colorful bouquet of art, fashion, accessories and much more. If you are interested in a new tattoo or just want to find out more, you can do so as well. Are you a camper, or have you always wanted to get a new enamel mug for your next hiking trip? Mirjana and Sonja from the glamping shop have a selected range + Read more

postponed to a later date! -29. March Scilla Blütenfest- Linden Hannover

Wir nehmen mit mehr als 20 anderen Designer*Innen an einem PopUp Store "FASHION BORN IN HANNOVER" in Bothfeld/Hannover teil. Organisiert wird diese Event vom KreHtiv Netzwerk Hannover Für uns eine klasse Gelegenheit unsere neuen Motive zu präsentieren. Und für alle anderen eine mehr als erstklassige Gelegenheit sich mit Weihnachtsgeschenken von vielen unterschiedlichen Designer*Innen einzudecken bzw. sich selbst zu beschenken ;-)Wo und wann? Vom 09. November bis 12. Dezember in Hannover Bothfeld - Kurze Kamp Str. 1 B MO-FR 14-18 Uhr SA         10-13 Uhr + Read more